Saturday, August 23, 2008

An Update and the Beach

First off I just want to say that I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. I am going to try really hard to post a lot more often! August has been a very busy month so far, during this month I have finished high school (home schooled and the program ran through Aug.), gone on vacation to Wisconsin, stayed with family, had family stay with us, and this past week, started college! It's been kinda crazy busy so that I barely had time to check my email, let alone get a post up on this blog. But, as I said earlier, I am going to try really hard to be posting more, so be sure to check back more often for updates!
Sarah Lu has had a great summer. She just loves the warm weather and the fact that she gets to wear "dresses with no sleeves" most days! Some of her favorite things to do are going to the park and swimming, both of which she has been able to do a lot of this summer!Playing with a little friendNote: Although it looks as if Sarah is in deep water, she is not. She is laying down in the water and can stand up in it with the water still under her waist.


Lexie said...

Congrats on finishing HS! How exciting!

Love the pictures. She is getting so BIG!!

Thanks for the update!


2 China 4 Addison said...

Wow, you have had a busy summer! Congratulations on graduating HS (especially so early), and on starting college. Where are you attending?
Love the beach pics, and I hope we can someday get together and let our girls meet (tell your mom!!)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos! Can't believe the difference between now and the referral photo...she has grown up so much!

Looking forward to the posts to come! Hope you have time to post along with your college classes! (What are you majoring in?)