In January, I didn't take too many pictures because I was very busy with school.. but we had a very fun month and loved getting this big package from sister Chrissy!Sarah and Chayah love their Panda mommy and baby!
February 2010
In February, Chayah and Sarah received yet another gift-- beautiful pioneer girl dresses! They love to play "Laura and Mary" after the Little House books.
March 2010
March brought lots of fun and a trip to Shriner's hospital!
The weather started to warm up, but we still had some snowy days too!
April 2010
Easter is always so much fun and the weather started to get nice outside so that made for lots of fun!!
May 2010
Summer really started in May with hot weather and getting out of school. I graduated with my Associates and Sarah and Chayah graduated from Kindergarten!
June 2010June 11 was one little Sarah Lu's special day! Of course, she's growing up and turned SIX years old!!!
We had lots of fun just enjoying the time off and getting to be together :)
July 2010
In July, we celebrated a very special and impressive 4th of July! We went on vacation and had a blast!
Sarah and Chayah loved their first trip to the ocean!!
July was also a very special time because it was Chayah's EIGHTH birthday!! :)We had many adventures, including Sarah and Chayah going horseback riding for the first time!!
August 2010
We had even more "first's" in August-- including the girl's getting to go flying for the first time in the small planes- and by themselves, too! Sarah went up with just her and the pilot and Chayah went up with the pilot and a friend from school.
August was also the time when two little girls started FIRST grade!!
We also had more adventures and lots of fun!
September 2010
Apple orchards are always a fun fall tradition!September was a fun month- getting into the swing of school again, but still having a great time!
October 2010
In October, we had Queen Esther and the Princess of the Nile with Baby Moses :)Sarah and Chayah's school had a fun day where everyone dressed up as a Bible character! In October, we also volunteered at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert for Show Hope and had a fantastic time!
November 2010
In November, Sarah and Chayah were the very proud recipients of a very generous gift!! They absolutely adore their "Mya" and "Kate" (AG) dolls! :)
Just like twins :)
Sarah Lu fractured her ankle at the end of October and got her leg cast. She had her colorful, Christmas-y cast on for most of November!
December 2010
December is always an especially fun time, celebrating Christmas! The girls performed beautifully in their Christmas program for school and looked so gorgeous all dressed up :)
And as always, Christmas morning is an awesome time :)
We have been very blessed this year! Now we're looking forward to new adventures in 2011!!
I'm 19 years old and in my third year of college. I would love to work in missions and with orphans overseas or with adoptions. I'm the older sister to Sarah and Chayah, both home through the miracle of adoption from China (in 2006 and 2009). And I can't wait to see how God will continue to use me and my family in His plan to care for the 143 million orphans around the world.
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